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The COVID-19 Pandemic From a Surgeon's Perspective: Creating a Hyper-efficient OR for Anterior Approach THA to Reduce Exposure Risk to OR Staff
May 2, 2020
The Direct Anterior Approach for THA on a regular OR table can be conducted in ...
read more ↘ a very efficient OR setting. A hyper-efficient OR allows reducing the exposure risk for the surgical staff to potential COVID-19 patients by minimizing the amount of OR staffing and reducing the OR times. In addition, it also allows re-allocation manpower and bears economic benefits without jeopardizing the quality of care.
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read more ↘ a very efficient OR setting. A hyper-efficient OR allows reducing the exposure risk for the surgical staff to potential COVID-19 patients by minimizing the amount of OR staffing and reducing the OR times. In addition, it also allows re-allocation manpower and bears economic benefits without jeopardizing the quality of care.
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