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Parachute Technique: Coraco-clavicular Ligament Reconstruction for Treating AC Joint Dislocation
Praveen Sarda
Praveen Sarda
September 12, 2020
AC joint disruption is a challenging injury to treat. Many surgical options include weaver Dunn ...
read more ↘ procedure, Hook plate, tendon grafting, and commercially available systems like tightrope etc. This video describes a unique new approach that is easy to learn, does not require fancy instruments, is more anatomical, provides excellent results and is much cheaper than currently available commercial systems.
The technique derives its name from the configuration of sutures coming from under the coracoid, that look like the strings of parachute, all at roughly 90 degrees from each other.
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read more ↘ procedure, Hook plate, tendon grafting, and commercially available systems like tightrope etc. This video describes a unique new approach that is easy to learn, does not require fancy instruments, is more anatomical, provides excellent results and is much cheaper than currently available commercial systems.
The technique derives its name from the configuration of sutures coming from under the coracoid, that look like the strings of parachute, all at roughly 90 degrees from each other.
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