Options for Treating Glenoid Wear in Shoulder Arthroplasty - Interview With Dr. Thomas Duquin
In this didactic setting, Dr. Thomas Duquin introduces the Augmented Baseplate and how it fits into the treatment algorithm of Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty. The discussion starts with a glenoid wear discussion, analyzes different augment designs, and reviews the clinical need for augmented baseplates. The discussion continues with surgical tips, an instrumentation discussion and goes in-depth discussing the “bone-preservation” technique for RSA.
To learn more about the Comprehensive® Reverse Shoulder System Augmented Baseplate you can use the “click here to be contacted for more information” button, immediately below the video or visit here to view the Augmented Baseplate Surgical Technique or Augmented Baseplate Surgical Technique ANIMATION webpages.