Options for Treating Glenoid Wear in Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty - Interview and 3 Cadaveric demos

May 15, 2018

Dr. Thomas Duquin goes into great detail on using an Augmented Baseplate in Reverse Arthroplasty.  This video starts with a deep-dive into the history of what has brought us to using augmented baseplates. This is followed by 3 cadaveric sessions, 1) superior/posterior wear bookmarked by an entire Reverse procedure, 2) heavy posterior wear and 3) superior wear using the “bone preserving” technique.

To learn more about the Comprehensive® Reverse Shoulder System Augmented Baseplate you can use the “click here to be contacted for more information” button, immediately below the video or visit  here to view the Augmented Baseplate Surgical Technique or  Augmented Baseplate Surgical Technique ANIMATION webpages.



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