Kinematic Alignment through Mechanical Cuts? The Principle of Restoring Constitutional Alignment

March 12, 2021
Prof Johan Bellemans discusses the history and application of the various alignment philosophies in total knee arthroplasty.
• Mechanical Alignment
• Anatomical Alignment
• Kinematic Alignment

Prof Bellemans walks through each alignment philosophy and discusses what compromises are made with symmetric implants to achieve the end result.

He then presents the concept of Constitutional Alignment which incorporates JOURNEY II TKA into the philosophy of accurately replicating the patient’s healthy joint line and full limb alignment. With the rise in popularity of Kinematic Alignment, it is important to understand what Kinematic Alignment is accomplishing and how JOURNEY II TKA is designed to best replicate the patient’s natural joint line without making the compromises found in Kinematic Alignment when used with a symmetric implant.
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