Arthroscopic Suprapectoral Biceps Tenodesis: A Novel Technique Preserving the Length-Tension Relationship
September 25, 2019
In this video, we will describe a novel technique for performing suprapectoral arthroscopic biceps tenodesis ...
read more ↘ preserving the length tension relationship.
Some key points of this technique are to be sure to evaluate the portion of the biceps tendon in the groove, as the more proximal portion within the joint space may appear normal. One of the major strengths of this technique is the ability to maintain the length-tension relationship of the biceps tendon with secure fixation while at the same time removing most of the diseased tendon from the proximal bicipital groove.
Keep in mind that the tendon edge will retract distally after excision, so leave a safe distance between the cut edge and the most proximal knot
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read more ↘ preserving the length tension relationship.
Some key points of this technique are to be sure to evaluate the portion of the biceps tendon in the groove, as the more proximal portion within the joint space may appear normal. One of the major strengths of this technique is the ability to maintain the length-tension relationship of the biceps tendon with secure fixation while at the same time removing most of the diseased tendon from the proximal bicipital groove.
Keep in mind that the tendon edge will retract distally after excision, so leave a safe distance between the cut edge and the most proximal knot
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