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January 2, 2012
ACL avulsion is relatively common injury in adolescents as well adults. Many different methods have ...
read more ↘ been tried to preserve ACL. But the results were equivocal. This new method of fixing ACL avulsed piece of bone with ligament to anterio medial tunnel by a tension band technique is interesting and worth following as the post operative results are good to excellent.
This method is even useful in non unions of ACL avulsion. The ant. Drawer test becomes negative on table. We can moniter the proper tension in ACL per operatively in this method.
The post operative wire removal after 6 months or 1 year ( in non unions) is recommended but with careful arthroscopic approach.
Either ACL or PCL avulsion even though it is old should be salvaged and not reconstructed unless the effort of salvage fails.
The preservation of natural ACL with proper tension is better than ACL which is reconstructed . The reason of showing this procedure is to encourage research on ACL & PCL preservation.
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