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April 12, 2018
27 year old male patient with a 3 week post traumatic ACL and lateral meniscus ...
read more ↘ rupture of his right knee. The injury was during a soccer game. He was arthroscopically treated with hamstrings autograft for his ACL reconstruction. An arthrex tight rope was used with an anatomic technique. The femoral tunnel was drilled threw the AM portal. The lateral meniscus was repaired with a 360 fastfix threw the lateral portal. When passing the tibial screw I didn´t felt it tight as usual (but it was a firm screw) and decided to secure the graft distally with a staple. I didn´t change the screw because I was afraid of causing a graft rupture during the extraction. The tibial and femoral tunnels were #8 and the tibial screw used #9. The autograft was size #8.
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read more ↘ rupture of his right knee. The injury was during a soccer game. He was arthroscopically treated with hamstrings autograft for his ACL reconstruction. An arthrex tight rope was used with an anatomic technique. The femoral tunnel was drilled threw the AM portal. The lateral meniscus was repaired with a 360 fastfix threw the lateral portal. When passing the tibial screw I didn´t felt it tight as usual (but it was a firm screw) and decided to secure the graft distally with a staple. I didn´t change the screw because I was afraid of causing a graft rupture during the extraction. The tibial and femoral tunnels were #8 and the tibial screw used #9. The autograft was size #8.
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