A Newest Hip Approach in Hip Replacement: Medial-inguinal Approach (Italian)
November 14, 2021
We have developed a surgical process that allows for safe, easy and fast replacement of ...
read more ↘ the hip that spares the hip stabilizer muscles completely. Throughout the operation, the surgeon can view the acetabulum from the front, which is a view that is preferable to the one available with other known techniques. There is no need for special equipment or special operating tables, and surgeons do not face a steep learning curve when first introduced to the procedure. Since risks of dislocation are non-existent, the patient is allowed to lie in bed in any position. The procedure is preferable aesthetically since any scarring is hidden from view in the inguinal folds of skin. Patients can resume walking immediately, using two Canadian crutches for only a few days.
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read more ↘ the hip that spares the hip stabilizer muscles completely. Throughout the operation, the surgeon can view the acetabulum from the front, which is a view that is preferable to the one available with other known techniques. There is no need for special equipment or special operating tables, and surgeons do not face a steep learning curve when first introduced to the procedure. Since risks of dislocation are non-existent, the patient is allowed to lie in bed in any position. The procedure is preferable aesthetically since any scarring is hidden from view in the inguinal folds of skin. Patients can resume walking immediately, using two Canadian crutches for only a few days.
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