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Event info
The Division's weekly HIV Grand Rounds is a continuing medical education (CME)-accredited educational event targeted to HIV providers from UCSF, ZSFG, affiliated San Francisco Health Network clinics, other hospital-based HIV clinics, and HIV private practices in the Bay Area.
HIV Grand Rounds is accredited through the UCSF Office of CME (ACCME Provider number 0000302).
The Division is a Center of Excellence for HIV/AIDS care in the Bay Area and is part of a top-tier academic institution. As such, it is uniquely positioned to host this rigorous, state-of-the-art Grand Rounds series focused on HIV issues relevant to current practice.
Weekly lectures and discussions provide the latest information on the pathogenesis and management of HIV disease, complications of HIV, and co-occurring conditions. Topics also include clinical case conferences, reports from important HIV meetings, and updates on HIV research and care. Speakers include UCSF faculty and other physicians, researchers, and HIV-care providers.
You will also be able to access previous lectures. Currently, these are on YouTube so people can access them that way.
- Educate HIV providers to deliver a high, standard of evidence-based, innovative, whole-person care, inclusive of patients living with HIV in the safety net.
- Aim to reach providers in our local community and to serve as an accessible resource for providers who are serving this community internationally.
- Maintain an unbiased, discerning perspective re: optimal HIV management
- Speakers teach to target audience of HIV providers.
- Content will include HIV-specific topics (including conference updates), common comorbidities in PWH, and social determinants of health.
- Hybrid in-person & virtual live conferences to optimize engagement and attendance.
- Speakers coached to include 4 audience-response questions per hour and must have clinical takeaways, 10-min Q&A
- Industry representatives are welcome to attend the conference, but will not be permitted to ask live questions in person or in the chat.
For more information please visit the official event page.
Wednesday, December 4, 20248:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Presentation Title:
UCSF CFAR/ARI Special Event - World AIDS Day
Carol Camlin, PhD, MPH
Waru Gichane, PhD, MSPH
Ayesha Appa, MD -
Wednesday, December 11, 20248:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Presentation Title:
Short of Breath - Complex Pulmonary Cases in PWH
Laurence Huang, MD -
Wednesday, December 18, 20248:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Presentation Title:
POP-UP's Approach to the Last Mile - Cases in HIV Primary Care for People Experiencing Homelessness
Elizabeth Imbert, MD, MPH
Matthew Hickey, MD
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