Trauma, Critical Care & Acute Care Surgery 2020
presented by Trauma, Critical Care & Acute Care Surgery 2020
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Caesars Palace, 3570 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV
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As we enter our 52nd record-breaking year, it is appropriate that the continued focus be TRAUMA, CRITICAL CARE, & ACUTE CARE SURGERY. For every community, there continues to be a need for surgical and medical teams to evaluate and treat the sickest of the sick and the severely injured. With many graduates going into practices based primarily in minimally invasive surgical subspecialties, it is appropriate that this course take a leadership role in provid- ing a continuing education venue for the complex operative and critical care surgical challenges, with major trauma continuing to be the epitome of such challenges.
This program offers comprehensive continuing education in the treatment of critically ill and injured patients, stressing current basic and cutting edge guidelines and technology for evaluation, diagnosis, and management. The course is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of those caring for ill and injured patients in rural, urban, and suburban hospitals.
Target Audience
The course is designed primarily for trauma surgeons working in Level I-IV trauma centers. In addition, general surgeons, emergency physicians, anesthesiologists, trauma coordinators, surgical residents, thoracic surgeons, trauma nurses, PAs and NPs, administrators, and EMS coordi- nators will benefit from this course.
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