SPIN - Skin Inflammation & Psoriasis International Network


SPIN Symposium - EADV Congress 2024

presented by SPIN - Skin Inflammation & Psoriasis International Network

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Notification icon Wednesday, September 25, 2024 8:30 AM - 10 AM Europe/Amsterdam

Location Icon Entrance K, Europaplein 24 1078 GZ Amsterdam

Event info


8:30 – 8:40 Introduction: SPIN – what is in there for me? (Wolf-Henning Boehncke)

8:40 – 9:05 5 min “pitch talks”: The headline news

  • Alopecia areata (Sergio Galvan)
  • Atopic dermatitis (Tiago Torres)
  • Hidradenitis suppurativa (Amit Garg)
  • Psoriasis (Curdin Conrad)
  • Vitiligo (Julien Senechal)

9:05 – 9:55 round table: structured discussion around the following topics


  • Revisiting patient-reported outcomes: example itch
  • Unravelling the disease: progress (and obstacles) in understanding the pathogenesis of IMIDs
  • Perspectives: disease modification, remission, and cure of IMIDs
  • Disease heterogeneity – who needs what, why, and how?

9 :55 – 10 :00 summary and conclusion

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