Weill Cornell Medicine Courses and Meetings


Pituitary Disorders Across the Age Spectrum

presented by Weill Cornell Medicine Courses and Meetings

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Notification icon Friday, October 19, 2018 8 AM - 4:30 PM America/New_York

Location Icon Weill Greenberg Center, 1305 York Ave, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10021

Event info

This course is a comprehensive overview and discussion of the evaluation; management; and medical, surgical, and radiation treatments of the pituitary tumor. The conference will comprise lectures, case-based talks, and Q & A panel sessions. This year’s symposium will concentrate on pituitary disorders in specific populations: children, pregnant women, men and women during childbearing years, and the elderly, with special sessions on pituitary surgery, medical management, and radiation therapy for those populations.

The pituitary gland plays an enormously important role in human development, the maintenance of various essential physiologic functions, and aging and senescence. Hence, the health of the pituitary gland is critical at all stages of human life. For this reason, there are a variety of pituitary disorders that can have a profound impact on multiple organ systems at different ages. General practitioners and even specialists in endocrinology may not be fully aware of the widespread impact of the pituitary gland in health and disease; the function of this course is to educate and inform a general medical audience on pituitary disease.

This CME course is intended for physicians in endocrinology, obstetrics, geriatrics, fertility medicine, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, medical oncology, radiation oncology, neurology, internal medicine, family medicine, general medicine, orthopedics, and pediatrics as well as physician assistants, nurse practitioners, medical students, interns, residents, fellows, and other subspecialists and allied health professionals who desire to update their medical knowledge in pituitary disorders.

For more info and to register: http://www.weillcornellbrainandspine.org

  • Theodore Schwartz
  • Georgiana Dobri
Course Syllabus

Click HERE to view the syllabus

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