Pipeline Treatment For Inflammatory Skin Diseases
presented by SPIN - Skin Inflammation & Psoriasis International Network
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Event info
"Pipeline treatment for inflammatory skin diseases" is the 3rd webinar of the World Tour 2024 webinar series.
It is made of three interventions:
The first is called "Pipeline treatment for Hidradenitis suppurativa" and is held by Prof Ditte Marie Saunte (Zealand University Hospital, Roskilde and Department for Clinical Medicine, Health Faculty, University of Copenhagen, Denmark).
The second is called "Pipeline treatment for Atopic dermatitis" and is held by Associate Prof Jesper Elberling (Department of Dermatology and Allergy, Herlev and Gentofte Hospital, Denmark).
The third is called "Pipeline treatment for Psoriasis” and is held by Prof Lone Skov (Department of Dermato-Allergology, Gentofte Hospital, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark).
For more information please visit the official event page.
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