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1331 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20004
Event info
The Scientific Program for the ISHA 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting will bring to the fore the latest expertise, thinking, and research taking place in the field of hip preservation through a combination of oral free paper sessions, ePosters, expert keynote lectures, panel discussions, re-live surgeries, and much more.
The overarching focus of this year's program will be on the future, considering the impact of new technologies and directions in the field over the next 10-20 years. It will look at what is being done at the leading edge of hip preservation and underscore the importance of innovation whilst emphasizing the ultimate goal of maintaining and improving hip health through prevention, early detection and preservation.
Core theme and topics for ISHA 2024
Hip Health: Bridging Innovation and Preservation
- The future of labral preservation and treatment
- Hip instability - new frontiers in assessment and treatment
- Extra-articular hip pathology (GTPS, IFI, deep gluteal pathology, hip-spine syndrome, hamstring pathology) - new frontiers in assessment and treatment
- Biologics and articular cartilage - where do we go from here?
- Technology - innovations in AI, VR, AR and imaging
- Patient specific focus
Target audience
- Arthroscopic hip surgeons
- Open hip surgeons
- Sports physicians
- Orthopaedic trainees, residents, fellows and students
- Physiotherapists and rehabilitation experts
- Physician assistants
- Scientists and researchers studying the hip
- Other allied health professionals with an interest in the hip
For more information please visit the official event page.
Thomas Wuerz
Program Chair
Andrew Wolff
Local Host Chair
Course Syllabus
Click HERE to view the syllabus
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