International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty's New Early-career Webinar Series (ISTA NEWS)
presented by International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA)
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It is our great pleasure to announce that the Scientific Program for the International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty's New Early-career Webinar Series (ISTA NEWS) is now available!
This inspiring program on scientific topics relating to Arthroplasty will take place live online from Friday, November 20th to Saturday, November 21st. This event will showcase the research of 63 early-career investigators from 14 countries and will be moderated by 8 subject experts. After each session, active audience participation will be encouraged through interactive breakout discussions.
Friday, November 20, 2020
- Computational Modeling for Arthroplasty - 10:40-12:40 EST (UTC-5)
- The Cost- & Clinical-Effectiveness of Innovations in Arthroplasty - 13:15-15:15 EST (UTC-5)
Saturday November 21, 2020
- New Advances in Devices & Materials - 10:35-12:35 EST (UTC-5)
- Joint Mechanics - 13:10-15:05 EST (UTC-5)
View Program - https://www.istaonline.org/meetings/ista-news/
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