Evaluation and Management of Pancreatic Malabsorption in Infants, Children, and Adolescents
presented by UChicago Medicine
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- To understand the role of the pancreas and normal digestion
- To identify patients at risk for digestive/exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
- The management of patients with digestive/extreme pancreatic insufficiency
Digestive/exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) can be hereditary, acquired, transient, or longer-term. The main consequence of EPI is maldigestion and subsequent malabsorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins. Clinical signs and symptoms of EPI may be subtle. Surveillance for and recognition of EPI is essential, as the consequences of these nutrient deficiencies can be significant, with long-term and sometimes irreversible effects.
The goal is to help the learner identify patients at risk for EPI and diagnose and manage EPI. Ongoing surveillance for nutritional status and related health outcomes remains paramount.
Asim Maqbool
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Institution: The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia PA
Email: Maqbool@chop.edu
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