
Business of Medicine Symposium

presented by PALTmed

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Notification icon Wednesday, June 4, 2025 10 AM - 5 PM US/Eastern

Event info


PALTmed’s inaugural Business of Medicine Symposium will gather clinicians and other leaders working in the post-acute and long-term care continuum to learn and discuss how business trends are impacting their daily work, the quality of care for their patients, and the effectiveness of their teams. Using a combination of speaker presentations, panel discussions, and small group breakout sessions, participants will have an opportunity to ask questions of experts and learn from their peers. 

This one-day virtual meeting will address topics such as how nursing homes make money, strategies for using technology to ease workload burdens, the role of private equity firms, working with ACOs, and understanding the value of your practice. The Symposium will also feature three “Quick Hits” breakout sessions where participants can talk with subject matter experts on a variety of timely topics.


For more information please visit the official event page.

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