ASPC 2016 Congress on Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Prevention
presented by The American Society for Preventive Cardiology
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Boca Raton Resort and Club, Boca Raton, FL.
Event info
The ASPC's Congress brings together the best and brightest ASCVD prevention professionals, poised to share their expertise with colleagues from around the world. Join leading experts as they translate and promote current ASCVD prevention research into effective treatment strategies for clinical practice.
Featured Sessions
Keynote Address
Dariush Mozaffarian, MD, DrPH
Rethinking Dietary Fat
Marc Bonaca, MD, MPH
Antiplatelet Therapy: Stents, Strokes, MI’s, and Prevention
Peter Wilson, MD
The Diabetes/Heart Disease Division
Reasons to Attend:
- Review the latest advances, current trends and innovative therapies
- Scientific abstracts and expanded poster hall
- Preventive Cardiology Experts course (pre-conference course) on ASCVD prevention
For more information and to register: https://www.aspconline.org/congress
11 others would like to attend.
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