Hypospadias Specialty Center

PARC Urology Hypospadias Center is the only practice in North America dedicated to hypospadias care. Our surgeons, Dr. Snodgrass and Dr. Bush, are world renowned for their innovation and precision. They developed and improved the operations that get the best results for hypospadias of all degrees, and provide reoperations when repairs done elsewhere are not successful. A licensed therapist also works with us to assist parents and patients coping with hypospadias. Families travel to PARC Urology from across the U.S. and around the world for this specialized care. 


Accordion-Like Skin Scarring After Prior Hypospadias Repair, How Can This be Fixed?

July 29, 2024

Hypertrophic skin scarring can occur with hypospadias repair. Typically, the skin will heal with a thick scar, one that can contract with an accordion-like appearance along the ventral surface of the skin. In this brief video, in which a patient with a prior surgery had healed with short ventral skin with this type of scar, Dr. Bush and Dr. Snodgrass of the Hypospadias Specialty Center demonstrate one way to address such scarring. They also discuss the use of postoperative Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to help prevent additional skin scarring, that often occurs in the setting of skin flap necrosis approximately 7-14 days after surgery. HBOT is a very useful adjunct to help healing in patients with known risk for skin flap necrosis.

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