“Carlos E. Ottolenghi” Institute of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires
The Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires is a non-profit civil association dedicated to comprehensive health care since 1853. Each year, the Hospital provides 2,657,783 medical appointments, 52,621 surgical procedures in its 57 operating rooms. The Institute of Orthopaedics and Traumatology performs 250.000 medical appointments and 10.000 surgeries per year. In 2000 the Hospital founded its own university, which offers careers in Medicine, Biomedical Engineering, Nursing, Bioimaging Production, Pharmacy, Biochemistry and Surgical Instrumentation. In addition, it has 36 postgraduate programs.
El Caso Ideal en Cadera Para Tratar en 1 Tiempo
January 8, 2024
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