Cardiometabolic Health Congress (CMHC)

The global epidemic of metabolic syndrome, a constellation of cardiometabolic risk factors, and that of obesity, type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, and NAFLD/NASH, have become the modern-day health hazard across the world. Lifestyle factors, including a lack of physical activity and proper nutrition, as well as ...
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The Risk Stratification and Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease in Women: Uncovering and Addressing Disparities to Improve Outcomes

June 20, 2024

Drs. Pam Taub, Erin Michos, and Jennifer Green discuss the burden of CKD as a major driver of cardiovascular and renal morbidity and mortality in women and review practical considerations for the application of SGLT2 inhibitors to improve renal outcomes in women with or at-risk for CKD. Recorded at the 2024 Women's Health & Wellness Masterclass meeting on April 19, 2024.

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